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I Love Kid Art! May's Special

First of all my definition of Kid Art is any art produced by a person who is a senior in high school or younger. It's a bit arbitrary but I'm going with it.

As my son has grown, he has demonstrated limited artistic abilities (it's better to be honest with the situation), but there have been some projects he has brought home from school that I love and of course framing always makes the art better (are you catching on to my biased opinions?).

While, I love my kid's art, no one else will appreciate it like I do. We all have pictures and items that are sentimental for one reason or another. Kid Art is no different and has an attached value that might be hard to explain to someone else, but nonetheless, it is priceless!

So this month's framing special is 15% off Kid Art custom framing. It'll be ready to hang on the wall and ready for you to value in your own way... and it won't end up shoved in a drawer till their senior year of high school.

This is a re-post from May 2017. Same month, same framing special!

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